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Tutorial - 'Easy Caterpillar System' by Guest

An item about RPGMaker 2000 posted on


Want to have the heroes follow your main character? Use this system! :D


Dont like all that coding for a caterpillar system?
Well then this tut is right for you!

Note:In this tut It only works with one person or else the people will get in your way.

In this tutorial you can make a simple caterpillar system in mintues (depinding on how many maps you have. Also depinding on how many map you use it on.)

Its simple as heck! You dont even that much knoweledge on rm2k! Hers what you need to know!

-What a catterpillar systm is.
Hmmm... A catterpillar system is where you have your heros following you every step in the map.

Letes get started.

1-make a new event on your map and call it the name of the following hero. set the gfx of the following hero and go to movement type.

set it to by its route and edit it.

you will enter the creation of movement route and you will se a hole bunch of buttons! (Yay!) then click on he one that says step toward hero and put the movment frequncy to 8. after that click okay and you are done with this.

Now go to the movement speed and set it to 4:normal. Your done! Enjoy